Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Engagement Part 2. :)

Ok So apparently I suck at this and I added the first posting of the engagement without finishing it and adding photos So here it goes again.

Jamie and I take a trip to Oregon the weekend before Thanksgiving for one of my best friends wedding. I was originally going to go by myself but it just so happened that this would be the perfect time for Jamie to "Meet the Parents" So here goes a 16 hour car ride with Kelsey (my little sister) and Trevor (hometown friend and Jamie's roommate). The whole way over to Newport we were warning Jamie of my dad. How he likes to tease people and just make them squirm. I know how sarcastic Jamie is and I figured he could handle my dad but it was still a good choice to warn him.

We drove through the night and got into Newport about 6 am. Right when mom and dad woke up :) we walk in and Jamie who drove most of the night was tired, hungry, and cranky. Great time to meet the parents for the first time. He did however put on a smile and hugged them. Mom and dad left for work and we all headed to our bedrooms to sleep. Jamie in the guest room and I crawled into bed with Kirsten. Kelsey slept on the couch. We slept a few hours and me who can never sleep very long after a 16 car ride through the night only let Jamie sleep for 2 hours. :) He was not a happy camper. We got up showered and dressed and we headed out on the town....of Newport. Jamie was a little impressed by how big the ocean is. He still will say to me "wow I can't believe the ocean just keeps going. I can't see anything out there."  Yes Jamie, it is the Pacific Ocean and yes it is HUGE.

We went and got some fish and chips at a local fish joint and Jamie who is not the biggest seafood eater actually liked it :) we got a soda for mom and dropped by the middle school to give it to her and show Jamie where I grew up. It is always fun to see old teachers and people you grew up with. This time I got to introduce Jamie to everyone. That night we had dinner with the family and just hung out at home. The next day was Saturday and mom and dad wanted to show Jamie around a little. So we headed up to Depoe Bay and did some site seeing....a little later that day we went off by ourselves to the bay front and got to explore Mariner Square (Ripley's Believe it or not and the wax works).
Dad asked if he could take Jamie and I to dinner with him and mom so he could talk to Jamie and getting married. OOOOooooo It was "The Talk" Only it was my dad's first time and he thinks the whole one on one this is weird and awkward so he just took us out to eat at Mo's MMmmmm. We ordered and as soon as the waitress left out came the question. "So you guys want to get married?" Jamie-"Uh, Yes sir we do." Dad-"and you have prayed about it and you want to get married in the temple?" Jamie-"Yes sir." Dad-"alright you have our blessing." That was it :) Easy Peasy.

Our Trip was a success and we had a great time visiting home and seeing old friends. Sarah's wedding was beautiful and I was ready to start planning mine ;)

A few weeks went by and I started to nag at Jamie...When am I going to get a ring? It was the question of the day everyday. He somehow managed to dodge it pretty good. The Second Thursday in December Jamie planned a trip for all of our friends and us to go to Temple Square and look at the lights. He did a great job planning cause I had NO Idea what was going on. Tasha had her camera and was snapping shots all over the place. Group photos, single photos, girls photos, guys photos. It was a lot of fun and the lights were so pretty. We were on our last little section of temple square and Jamie want's pictures on the little platform just outside the gates. you know the one where all the brides and grooms take pictures. So we did group photos, sister photos, guys photos and girls photos, then Jamie was like I just want a picture with Leah now. So me being the star or every picture climbs up on the platform and start to pose....I look over at Jamie and he has a goofy smile on his face so I Go along with it and do goofy shots. then he says you want a cute picture now....OF COURSE..... Who doesn't want a cute picture in front of the temple with their boyfriend. So we pose only Jamie wasn't posing he was down on one knee. All I could think to say was "Are you being serious right now?" HaHa He was being serious and I did say Yes! He was so cute and did a great job picking a ring. From there it was official. We were heading to Tucson for Christmas to meet his family and after that was the wedding.

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute Leah!!! :) You two are a BEAUTIFUL husband and wife!!!! Can't wait to see what your beebee's are going to look like!!! :)
